This is a way to make any face prettier than before by using adobe.
1. Take this picture.
2. Click "Clone Stamp Tool(s)" , Then with hold "ALT"
and you cursor will automaticly turn like this. Simple right!
3. with holding ALT key, choose any good area for replacing the old ones and click at the ugly area. you must do it carefully or the picture will damage. It may take awhile to do it. I recommended that you cloning at the major area only. it is more simple.
4. Then, click "brush tool(s)" and right click you picture and click
After that, choose "basic brush"
[Master diameter = 30]
5. Click "Quick Mask Mode (Q)"
6. Choose all area like this
7. Press (Q) for "standard Mode" and also [ CTRL + SHIFT + I]
8. We need a new layer, so press [CTRL + C and CTRL + V ]. You will get a new layer like this
9. Change its blend mode from normal to screen
10. Go to Filter--->Blur--->Gaussian Blur . its radius to 25
11. Flatten image(right click to the layer and choose flatten image) and do a bit adjustment by brightness+7 and contrast+1.
12. Done! Good luck
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