Turning to font portret

Result :

Impressive? Try this..

1. Take the picture

2. Filter--->Artistic--->Cutout(Number o level=8, Edge Simplicity=0, Edge Fidelity=3)

3. Image--->Adjustments--->Threshold (61)

4. Click and create a font field like this . which its font layer like . I wrote hazim simultaneously.

5. Hold CTRL and right click at "T"(sample). It will turn like this
(click for enlarge)

6. Click at background layer and do layer via copy by (CTRL + C and CTRL + V), layer 1 created. Hide the old background layer by clicking (example layer)

7. Then we must create color fill. Click --->solid color, Choose white (code: ffffff) and put the layer bottom of layer 1.

8. Crop it

9. Done!

click here for more images